Basil Watson is Jamaica’s most celebrated sculptor who now works and lives in Atlanta USA.  He is best known for his monuments and portraits worldwide. 

His preferred and perfected method is of modelled clay which he uses in his considered and careful life studies to draw out character, gesture and expression in his subjects.

In October 2023 Basil was invited by the Foundation to lead a residency with seven selected artists at the Kyemihoko studios. Monica Atim, Emmanuel Basaza, Toni Kyanja, Prisca Nymori, Isaac Okwir, Winnie Taaka, Bryan Wambi all took part enthusiastically in the workshop focussed primarily on portraiture, with his wife Donna for model. Many different types of clay were tried and tested. Working from the model, they sculpted the whole figure, portrait heads or clasped hands as well as animal subjects seen on a weekend safari observing wildlife in the field.This all made for an interesting range of terracotta sculptures successfully fired in the kiln.

A series of small wax models were also cast into bronze by Rwenzori Founders. The participants worked hard using every minute of this rare opportunity to work with Basil and all were keen to say how much they benefited from the experience.